Saturday, October 30, 2010

How to converse strong.

When I was in middle school, I hated making conversation with anyone; the task of trying to keep up with what other peers were expecting me to respond with was a burden, and often resulted in me stumbling my words and coming across as a geek, or a loser. Either one is a status a boy would not wish for during the eighth grade.

Conversing strong is tough, and it requires thick skin. Believe me, I still qualify my conversations. And why not? It is not always smart to speak your mind and be blunt. We all have to play dead sometimes if we want to avoid confrontation. Discussing with another person about football, only to find out he despises your sport more than death itself, is not much to get worked up over. However, if the conversation involves a view that opposes your moral values and personal philosophy, you should always involve your attempts at an offensive maneuver. Qualifying might seem to be a means to holding your thoughts objective and your mind open, but it ultimately results in "Yeah, you're right. That is kinda dumb."

The fool-proof method of being strong in conversation, and no longer falling into the trap of qualifying, is to simply speak your mind. It might seem silly at first, but keep this in your mental perspective: The men and women that you would want to associate with, hold respect for those who feel obliged to have their own opinion. Not the opinions of others.. I can tell you the number one pet peeve I have with any one I hold a conversation with is someone that seems to be holding back, and refraining from really speaking. They feel that as if by agreeing with everything I say I will like them. I believe anyone reading this can relate. Think of that one man or woman who really seemed to want your acceptance!

The idea of being accepted is a fine one, and I agree with the desire to be uniform. However I feel that a man or woman is ill-willed if they expect qualifying and leaning their opinions to help that idea become reality. Acceptance from others during conversation only comes from fulfillment, and rational humans are fulfilled with ideas and viewpoints that are not alike their own. So take pride in your thoughts, and let others hear them when your thoughts deem acceptable to advertise.

So the next time you hold a conversation with someone that results in a "fork in the road" of opinions, go for what you  believe is the correct path. Nobody feels good walking away from a conversation where they ended up bashing their football team, best friend, and girlfriend all in one go because they could not muster the courage to simply say "No, I don't think you're right." Otherwise, you will simply absorb that persons opinions. How? You just agreed with them. Why would you say something if you did not mean it?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Individual Prosperity.

The functional role of a productive Government would be one that functions only under the actions of man that is objectively wrong, and not subjectively wrong. An objective action of correct Government action would be seizing a mans property because he has used it in aiding of immoral actions.  The subjective wrong-doing would be seizing a mans property because of a flawed and non objective perception of a wrong-doing. For example, when one person commits a crime with a vehicle that is co-owned by a person they are married too, the vehicle is then seized under the "forfeiture law" (which is the Government defense of stealing your property under a subjective guise) and re-sold at Police auctions with all proceeds going to benefit the precient that seized said property, which was immoral of the Government police to do.

This is a fantastic example of subjective Government in action, using its policing power to steal your property with the defense that it is "halting crime" when crime is simply an act that is immoral. A crime has been defined by the Government to even mean something as simple as crossing an intersection or inhaling a drug. Are any of these actions immoral? No, but they are illegal, which serves no purpose other than to undermine the liberty of men and the leave us docile.

If you believe in the idea of liberty and freedom, you will act it upon yourself to ask your local police officer (which they should take your demand seriously as you are the one that funds their cruisers, salaries, and uniforms) as they pull you over for illegal (not immoral) drugs and demand they answer objectively: "Who have I harmed? Please, spare me the ticket and jail time until you can objectively answer this claim!"