Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trying to make time for people who do not care.

Trying to become accepted by everybody is such a harsh, and counterintuitive task that never results in success. If you could imagine one person that you do not like, who awkwardly fights through mundane conversation that never interests, in an attempt to make you like them, stop hating them. You have done it too. We're all human, keep in mind! And we have a knack for hating people that do the same things we do.

Every person been through the process of acceptance with the end result being a common, passive (or outright, and embarrassing) denial in our attempt for friendship. The harsh reality we face is that not everybody we try to communicate with would like to accept what we might have to say, or offer. It's a sad fact. But it should never be something to dwell on, as grief of denied acceptance always results in self-hatred and questioning motives. What did I do wrong? What is wrong with me? What do I have to change about myself to make them/him/her like me?

The mindset I like to hold close in the world of social politics is that everybody wants something, be it looks, money, humor, intelligence, ambition, potential, musical skill, manners; the reason being is that relationships are no different than the marketplace of grains, dairies and flat screen televisions. We all want something we do not have! So to make yourself a "best buy", you have to look at what you have to offer. Are you talented in the arts? A speaker who is sharp of the tongue? A body of a Greek god/goddess? Perhaps you are one that takes quick fixation to arithmetic and sciences! Or simply they are looking for someone who enjoys the history of toilets as much as they do. The focus should be never be what you do not have. You can never change who you really are. The threshold of your physical, mental and emotional capabilities and the tasks they are capable of accomplishing vary greatly.

Stop trying to impress the wrong audience!

So just sell what you got! It has taken me years to discover this ideology for myself because I have become trapped in the illusion: that everyone I come into contact in my day-to-day activities are the only people that exist. Maybe you have made the same mistake. Go on and do what I did, and start shifting your marketing to the right audience.